Jonathan Wong

A Creative Tinkering Mechanical Engineer

I am currently a graduate Mechanical Engineering student at University of California, Los Angeles. As an aspiring engineer, I have had experiences working on precision Aerospace valves and components, high performance electric drive motors, cars and buses in professional repair shops, but I also have a passion for building race cars with my teammates on UCLA's Formula SAE racing team.

I have always been attracted to picking up new skills and information, whether it is tinkering with something I read online, learning from my peers, or asking professionals in industry. After I graduate, I hope to do much the same in industry, with the hope of becoming a more complete engineer each day.  In my free time, I like to build home brew contraptions that make my life more entertaining or productive. I also enjoy cooking, photography, and playing volleyball. Take a look around. Peruse my resume or even my projects. Cheers.

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My Team Projects

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Want to see the the projects I build in my free time?

My Personal Projects

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